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Municipality of Inveruno
Inveruno (MI)
Value of works
€ 11.958.445,33
Start Date

A new school complex in Inveruno

In a small municipality in the Province of Milan, Inveruno, work is proceeding on the construction of a new school complex that will house primary and secondary school classes in the area of the former Belolli, in Via IV Novembre. It consists of two main buildings, connected by an auditorium.

Manelli Impresa: Realizzazione nuovo polo Scolastico primario e secondario di primo grado

Project Details

The area of intervention measures approximately 19,000 square metres. The installations, windows and flooring are carried out. Subject of intervention, also the external part starting from the area separating the two schools facing the auditorium.

The first building features a two-storey ‘horseshoe’ structure that will house the teaching sections and special activities, the canteen and the gymnasium with a basement where changing rooms and technological rooms serving the entire lot are built.
The second building, will mirror the first one, except for the basement correlating with the gymnasium.
The third building will be used as an auditorium and will have more than 200 seats.


This is a highly innovative work in terms of design. Through the BIM technology used in the Revit environment, different design strands associated with architecture, structures and systems were unified in a single virtual design environment.

This made it possible to define an overall representation of the artefact in its entire life cycle, through the inclusion of dimensional, qualitative and quantitative data within the model or its individual elements. BIM technology has made it possible to:

– significantly reduce environmental impact
– reduce errors at all stages of the project
– ensure security

The new school complex is also sustainable in terms of green spaces and accessibility. A park open to the public will also be created within the area, and the school area will be served by a total of 54 parking spaces, 4 of which will be for the disabled, all distributed along the perimeter streets of the lot.

Technical Data

18.900 m²
total area
auditorium seats
54 parking spaces
4 of which are reserved for disabled persons

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