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Autonomous province of Trento
Ala (TN)
Value of works
€ 6.778.427,81
Start Date

Construction of a new primary school

The intervention is part of a broader project for the conservative renovation of the former ‘Silvio Pellico’ boarding school, a municipal building given to PAT for free so that it could be used, for the historical part, as a Higher School of Health Education, while the new part is being expanded to provide support spaces for the nearby primary and middle school of Ala, Trento.


Project Details

Il progetto di restauro conservativo dell’ex Convitto comunale Silvio Pellico, finalizzato alla trasformazione in una nuova scuola elementare, comprende diversi interventi volti a preservare il patrimonio storico ed edilizio dell’edificio e migliorarne le prestazioni energetiche. Il progetto mira a conservare il valore storico e architettonico dell’edifici, mentre contemporaneamente lo rende funzionale e efficiente dal punto di vista energetico per ospitare la nuova scuola elementare.

Main interventions

– Variations and restoration of valuable elements found, according to the indications of the Heritage Superintendency
– Upgrades to the lighting system in order to improve the containment of energy consumption
– Efficiency enhancement of the air-conditioning system
– Partial modification of the structural elements of the extension volume then planned in steel and now in wood and concrete
– Elevation of the two roof technical rooms by 10 cm, in order to provide sufficient space for the AHUs present

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