
Our governance reflects the core values upon which our company is built and the practices we adopt to ensure the success and protection of the interests of all our stakeholders.

Business Areas

Skills, innovation and sustainability are indispensable ingredients for achieving results in our business areas: Infrastructure, Public Building and Private Construction.


Environmental sustainability and land preservation.


Join our team and inspire others with your professionalism.

Private Construction

Innovative projects for residential and commercial construction

Buildings of Excellence

With our dedication to quality and innovation, we are the ideal partners for residential construction projects. From modern housing to comfortable living spaces, every detail is taken care of with precision. We create homes that reflect a lifestyle and attention to detail that make each residence a truly special place. Our expertise in commercial building construction also spans a wide range of sectors, from retail facilities to office space.

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Leccis barracks in Zoppola (PN)

Social housing apartments

Adaptation and extension of a building in Via Pitagora in Martina Franca

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We execute works that are fundamental for the progress and connection of communities.


We are leaders in the construction of public, commercial and industrial buildings.

Public buildings

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