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Municipality of Imperia
Imperia (IM)
Value of works
€ 14.236.055,76
Start Date
SDG targets
9 11 12

The Imperia border redevelopment project

The Imperia ‘Periferie Urbane’ cycle and pedestrian path reconversion project is an ‘urban regeneration’ project whose main objective is to bring peripheral areas back into communication with each other, enhancing them.
The completion of this infrastructure represents a great opportunity for the City of Imperia: a disused area takes on a new form and returns to the service of the people.

Manelli Impresa: Costruzione ciclopedonale Imperia

Project Details

Specifically, the area of intervention concerns the narrow coastal strip that joins San Lorenzo al Mare and the two urban centres of Porto Maurizio and Oneglia, which are now part of the Municipality of Imperia for all intents and purposes.

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The intervention is extended to the adjacent Urban Park to the east of the intervention area and two disused, degraded and squatted settlements.


For the reconversion of the former disused railway, a ‘zero soil consumption’ strategy has been put in place: a true ‘green line’ as a connection route between the suburbs and the centre of Imperia.

This not only promotes sustainable mobility but also restores the architectural harmony of the area. The cycle path directly overlooks the sea and welcomes cyclists, families with children or those who simply want to enjoy a stroll while enjoying the fresh air.

Technical Data

8,8 km
total runway length
50.000 m²
of paving with transparent asphalt
5000 m²
lane length dedicated to local public transport

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