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Imagining a new city

On 30/10/2023 at 17:00, the presentation event of the MyCityBari project will be held at the Spazio Murat in Piazza del Ferrarese – Bari. During the event, Giuseppe De Bellis, director of Sky Tg 24 will interview the architect, Mario Cucinella. A dialogue on architecture, green building and the new residential project, MyCityBari, an innovative, sustainable and iconic housing context that fits between nature and the city, promoted by Manelli Impresa S.p.A.

Manelli Impresa - Evento - MyCityBari



Designed by Mario Cucinella Architects, it is an innovative, sustainable and recognisable urban living context that promotes a sense of community and improves the quality of life for all residents.

Mario Cucinella

Born in Palermo in 1960, he graduated in Architecture from the University of Genoa in 1986. In 1992, he founded MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects, an architecture and design studio in Paris. Today he has offices in Bologna and Milan, of which he is also creative director. In 2015, Mario Cucinella founded SOS – School of Sustainability, a school for young, recently graduated professionals that aims to provide them with the tools they need to address environmental issues with an open, holistic and research-driven approach. The importance of his work and his ongoing commitment as an architect and educator on environmental and social issues have been recognised with the International Fellowship of the Royal Institute of British Architects (2016) and the Honorary Fellowship of the American Institute of Architects (2017).

In 2018, he was curator of the Italian Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale with the exhibition ‘Arcipelago Italia’, an exhibition-project dedicated to the country’s inland areas. Mario Cucinella has taught at the universities of Ferrara, Naples, Munich, and Nottingham.

He is the author of many publications, among the most recent:
Building Green Futures (2020, published by Forma) a volume that explores, through a collection of the latest projects and most representative architectures by Mario Cucinella Architects, the possible answers that architecture can provide to the global challenges of the present and the near future.
Architettura dell’educazione (2021, published by Maggioli), an analysis of how the most important places in civil society can evolve thanks to architecture and the dynamics it is able to generate, through a multi-voice narration alternating with design solutions developed by Mario Cucinella Architects.
The future is a journey into the past. Dieci storie di architettura (2021, published by Quodlibet) Mario Cucinella – with Valentina Torrente and Laura Zevi – recounts ten journeys to cities and places that have given him food for thought on environmental issues and the rational use of available energies.

Spazio Murat

Spazio Murat is one of the city’s most popular cultural venues, dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of contemporary arts. Together with the Teatro Margherita and the Ex Mercato del Pesce, it constitutes the Polo del Contemporaneo of the City of Bari. It is the first space to host the Hub’s activities and features a rich programme of events, with a focus on visual arts and design. It is located in Bari’s Piazza Ferrarese, the point of contact between the old town and the modern suburb. Founded in 1818 as a food market, the space was demolished in the mid-20th century and then rebuilt in the 1990s. Spazio Murat now hosts exhibitions, meetings, workshops and the Puglia Design Store concept store.

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