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Environmental sustainability and land preservation.


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Municipality of Mantua
Mantua (MN)
Value of works
€ 21.413.785,15
Start Date
SDG targets

The new Mantua hub: an area balancing the present and the past

The work carried out in the city of Mantua concerns two major works: the new school ‘l’Istituto Mantegna’ and the Mantua hub (Lot 1 and Lot 2 respectively).
The new school was handed over on 11 September 2023 and to date accommodates more than 800 students. From then on, work will be carried out on Lot 2 where, in place of a former military area located directly above a Jewish cemetery, the ‘Mantua hub’ will be built. Each of the five buildings will have a different use: there will be – among others – a centre for the disabled, an eco-hostel and a covered market.

Manelli Impresa: Costruzione Mantova Hub

Project Details

What is special about this intervention is that it rises above the Jewish cemetery. This contributed to the implementation of several design variants as this factor had not been considered at the design stage.
The coordination between the design intentions and Jewish religious precepts was crucial, with attention to details such as the depth of excavations and contact with the ground, which had to be completely avoided as it cannot mix with the ‘Christian’ world. A pedestrian footbridge will also be built to connect the Jewish cemetery, creating a new synergy between ancient and modern.

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The ‘Mantua hub’ is also referred to as ‘middle territory’ because it is connected with both the daily life of the city and with its cultural and productive life.


Energy saving and waste management

Sustainability and environmental monitoring targets are set for both the processing and end-use phases of the works, especially for a site of this size with large demolition activities.

With regard to the choice of materials, special care was taken to choose materials with high insulation capacity and low embodied energy and Carbon Footprint Negative.

It certainly looks at energy savings that are monitored for each individual energy service (e.g. heating, cooling, ventilation, etc.).

Sustainability KPIs
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Sustainability KPIs

Sustainable and biodegradable materials

1321 m3

Natural lime and hemp used for interior finishes

560 m3

Technical Data

27.000 m²
total area

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